ADB launches Cocoa Connector Loan in collaboration with CDCDTTL
The Agricultural Development Bank of Trinidad and Tobago (ADB), in collaboration with the Cocoa Development Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (CDCTTL) launched the new Cocoa Connector Loan with the tag line “valuing rich traditions”. The loan product was developed to stimulate primary production and activities along the cocoa value chain.
Senator, the Honourable Clarence Rambharat- Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries delivered the feature address at the event which was held at the Award winning Tamana Mountain Chocolate Estate owned by Martin and Jacqueline Matthew. The event was held on Tuesday 3rd November 2020.
The CDCTTL serves as the catalyst to revive T&T’s Cocoa Industry and this loan package supports the strategic initiatives identified in the Ministerial National Strategic Plan for the Cocoa Industry which includes the development of the TT Fine Flavour Chocolate Industry. The loan targets progressive farmers who are considered by the CDCTTL to be early adopters and innovators in their rehabilitation programme, as well as micro-processors and chocolatiers who participate in the cocoa value chain.
The ADB, as the financing arm of the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, will provide funding to clients interested in the Cocoa Connector Loan based on the technical guidance and recommendations from the CDCTTL. Also delivering remarks at the launch were Chairmen- Mr. Sekou Mark and Mrs. Jacqueline Rawlins, and Chief Executive Officers – Mr. Sheivan Ramnath and Mrs. Mala Partap of the ADB and CDCTTL respectively.
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